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This portfolio highlights technical writing and editing projects. I write and edit for all design projects. I believe that one needs a solid understanding of technical writing, accessibility best practices, and graphic design to create something that all users can access, use, and understand.

Accessible PDF Forms

I produce PDF-UA compliant PDF forms for over 30 business units and test for compatibility with access technologies such as JAWS.

I write and edit to modernize existing content, develop new content, and streamline the data gathering and routing processes. A clear, easy-to-use PDF form requires knowledge of technical editing, user experience design, and accessibility best practices.

I ensure forms are branded, formatted consistently, and use accessible colors and fonts. I prepare forms so users can complete them via print, Adobe Acrobat, or Adobe Acrobat Sign.

See many examples of my forms on Business Affairs forms and TCE forms websites.

Sitecore Training Manual

I served on a project to migrate university websites from older content management systems to Sitecore from 2019-2021. I compiled and developed much of the content for this training manual in partnership with my peers. My intern Austin consolidated these materials, learned how to create accessible Word documents, and created a clear, navigable manual.

Remote Work Toolkit

I edited and designed a manual to help managers determine which positions are suitable for remote work.  (A peer created the flowchart on page 17.)

I edited and designed Remote Work Agreement forms and built Adobe Acrobat Sign templates as an alternative to print or Acrobat.

Microsoft Updates

Updates Overview

I wrote articles to announce changes to Office 365 to provide timely updates for faculty, staff, and students. I collaborated with experts at Microsoft and our technical team to determine how users would be impacted by these changes. I researched the user interface and produced mockups to provide clear visual aids.

Updates Training

I trained several students and interns to research and write articles before transferring the project to a full-time peer. My intern Marie now writes and designs for Thompson Reuters.

Updates Articles

See all articles or view some of my favorites:

“Hosting Events at UTA”
This article presents options for hosting in person, virtual, or hybrid events and showcases how the IT department can support event organizers.

“Transform Your Process with PDF Forms”
This article describes the features of Adobe Acrobat and Adobe Acrobat Sign and their differences. I also provided the article as a PDF handout for quick reference.

“Teams Conference Room Best Practices”
This article outlines best practices for in person, virtual, and hybrid conferences. The information helps users avoid audio feedback, delayed start times, and ensures participants can access presented content. I also created a quick reference brochure to be displayed in conference rooms.

“Changes to Teams Recordings; Upgrades to Stream”
This article resulted from collaboration with experts at Microsoft as they worked to develop a robust file storage experience for video content. We developed workarounds and solutions for faculty, staff, and students while certain features became temporarily unavailable. I shared this article with Microsoft at their request for use with other clients.

Departmental Briefing

I edited and designed this accessible publication to highlight the IT department’s services. This has become a showpiece for OIT and has been shared with other universities and consulting firms. I had a little over a week to complete this project.

Quick Start Guides

I designed and edited these guides in partnership with peers. I had to redrew many of the user interface icons at larger sizes and rework some of the phone screenshots for context.

Desk Phone
Conference Phone
Common Area Phone
Connecting A Computer to a Home Network

Process Manual

I edited and designed this instruction manual to describe the process for paying outside contractors using a detailed form.

I also created an accessible form for use with Adobe Acrobat Sign, developed the workflow with a peer, and wrote and recorded detailed video tutorials.

an old fashioned typewriter on a tan desk

Academic Writing

Memoirs of the First World War
I received the Honors Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity Award for this undergraduate thesis. Only one award is given per year.

Through the Eyes of Soldiers
I received the Phi Alpha Theta Kenneth R. Philip Undergraduate Merit Award in 2009 for this work as a history undergraduate.